Fighting to combat the opioid crisis

Prof. Fanny Ye advances artificial intelligence to dismantle the complex networks that create and traffic deadly opioids.

Prof. Fanny Ye teaching in a classroom
CSE graduate student Sophia Abraham conducting cyber security research

Students and faculty in Computer Science and Engineering work as partners to advance the field and serve humanity.

Please allow us to help you discern the opportunities for you at Notre Dame.


All News
McKenna Englhardt and Kylee Kazenski in their leprechaun costumes

Engineers and Leprechauns: McKenna Englhardt and Kylee Kazenski

Leprechauns are small, bearded tricksters known for making shoes and mischief. Not anymore. Today’s Notre Dame …

A researcher is shown in a Notre Dame lab

Major investments announced to accelerate research at the intersection of bioengineering and life sciences

Notre Dame’s Bioengineering & Life Sciences Initiative has announced significant investments aimed at enhancing …

Zachary Brown and Liam Redmond

Two Notre Dame seniors, four alumni named to Forbes 30 Under 30 list

Six students and alumni of the University of Notre Dame have earned spots on the prestigious Forbes 30 Under 30 list …

Gang Liu on a gray background

Gang Liu receives IBM Fellowship

Gang Liu, a doctoral student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, …

a blue computer wafer

Notre Dame researchers advance encryption and high-performance microelectronics technologies

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame have received new funding through the Silicon Crossroads Microelectronic …

Simret Gebreegziabher

Simret Gebreegziabher receives IBM PhD Fellowship Award

Simret Gebreegziabher, a doctoral student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of …

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All Events

Epidemic Time Series Forecasting in the Era of Machine Learning

Wei Jin, Emory University
3:30 p.m., March 27, 2025

Explore Computer Science and Engineering at Notre Dame

Student at computer writing code

Where can I go with a Notre Dame degree in Computer Science and Engineering?

Our graduates take up careers in the computing industry, the finance industry, large engineering companies, consulting firms, medical infomatics companies, and government. Other enter doctoral programs at leading universities or pursue startup opportunities, contributing to the burgeoning innovation culture surrounding computer science and engineering.

CSE students in Droid class

Undergraduate Programs

Computer Science and Engineering offers two undergraduate degree programs, one in Computer Science and one in Computer Engineering. Our programs are highly flexible, so you can pursue a passion or sample the field broadly and customize your degree.

Graduate student coding

Graduate Programs

Our Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering leads to research careers in the academy, industry, and government.

Prof. Tijana Milenkovic with graduate student

Meet Faculty

Our faculty share a commitment to excellence in education and pursuit of high-impact research and scholarship.

Spotlight on Research in Computer Science and Engineering

Fighting the Spread of Misinformation Online

In collaboration with DARPA, the research division of the U.S. Department of Defense, computer science and engineering Professor Tim Weninger is working to combat the spread of misinformation online.

“The scary thing about the age of social media is the speed and the scale of how information spreads. . . . This is a technology problem. Engineers helped create it, but we can also help solve it. And we must. Because the future of our democracy and our society depend on it.”


Fighting the Spread of Misinformation Online