This presentation addresses how software industry professionals, such as developers, UI/UX designers, and product managers, can evaluate whether their software supports diverse users and how to address any issues they discover. It introduces SocioeconomicMag, a systematic method for identifying and fixing “socioeconomic inclusivity bugs”—features or workflows that unintentionally create barriers for users with certain socioeconomic statuses. Case study findings using this method are shared, followed by an introduction to InclusiveMag, a meta-method for HCI researchers to create systematic inclusiveness approaches for other dimensions of diversity.

Margaret Burnett,
Oregon State University
Margaret Burnett, a Distinguished Professor at Oregon State University, began her career as the first woman software developer at Procter & Gamble Ivorydale. After earning advanced degrees and working in start-ups, she joined academia, focusing on software development for non-programmers. She co-founded end-user software engineering, led the creation of the Forms/3 and FAR visual programming languages, and contributed to explainable AI.
She also co-leads GenderMag, which identifies gender inclusiveness issues in software, and her recent projects include InclusiveMag, SocioeconomicMag, and methods for intersectionally inclusive software. An ACM Fellow, CHI Academy member, and award-winning mentor, Burnett has served in 50+ conference roles and was honored with the 2022 IEEE WISE Leadership Award and 2023 AnitaB ABIE Tech Leader Award.