Agile Hardware Development: Architectures and Tools


Agile Hardware Development: Architectures and Tools

Callie Hao, Georgia Tech

3:30 p.m., April 18, 2024   |   140 DeBartolo Hall

Agile hardware development has two most important aspects: high-performance domain-specific architectures, and the design automation tools that facilitate the rapid development of such architectures.

In this talk, we will discuss both aspects. First, we introduce two open-source, domain-specific architectures: one for graph neural network (FlowGNN), the other for mixture-of-expert vision transformer (Edge-MoE).

Callie Hao
Callie Hao

Next, we introduce our open-source agile development tool, LightningSim, built on top of Vitis HLS (high-level synthesis), which significantly speeds up the C/RTL co-simulation for accurate performance. Third, we briefly introduce our on-FPGA profiling tool, RealProbe, which provides detailed, on-board performance profiling using HLS.

Dr. Callie Hao is an assistant professor in ECE at Georgia Tech. She was a postdoc in ECE at UIUC from 2018 to 2020, and she received a doctorate in electrical engineering from Waseda University in 2017. Her primary research interests lie in the joint areas of efficient hardware design, electronic design automation tools, and machine learning algorithms.