Taeho Jung receives NSF CAREER award to improve cybersecurity

Taeho Jung

Taeho Jung, assistant professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Notre Dame, has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award. The award recognizes early career excellence in STEM research and education.

Jung’s research focuses on enhancing data security and privacy in cyberspace by leveraging cryptography and blockchain technologies. 

As users generate and share more personal data, the risk of data breaches increases. “The goal of my research is to ensure that when you send your data to a secure system, you can be confident that it’s being processed safely, and you can verify this at any point,” said Jung.

For his CAREER research project, Jung and his lab will bring together the strengths of secure hardware environments with advanced cryptographic techniques to create a framework to process large quantities of user-generated data efficiently and securely.

For the educational part of his CAREER project, his team will create research experiences for undergraduates and local high school students on secure data collection and processing methodologies.

Jung received his doctoral degree in computer science at the Illinois Institute of Technology. He joined the Notre Dame faculty in 2017.

— Karla Cruise, Notre Dame Engineering; Photo by Wes Evard, Notre Dame Engineering