Patrick Flynn

Fritz Duda Family Professor of Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering
Areas of Interest
Patrick J. Flynn is Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. He has held the Fritz Duda Family Professorship in the College of Engineering since 2014.
Prof. Flynn is an IEEE Fellow, an IAPR Fellow, and a past Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Pattern Recognition Letters. He is also a past Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence and Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Biometrics Compendium, IEEE’s first virtual journal.
His areas of interest are:
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Computer Graphics and Scientific Visualization
Mobile Application Development
Ph.D, Michigan State University, 1990
M.S., Computer Science, Michigan State University, 1986
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Michigan State University, 1985